Willkommen auf der Internetseite des Fachbereichs Englisch!
Hier findest du in Kürze alle wichtigen Informationen rund um das Fach Englisch an unserer Schule. Du bist herzlich eingeladen, dich über unseren Unterricht zu informieren und einen umfassenden Einblick in unsere pädagogischen Ansätze und Aktivitäten zu erhalten. Im Laufe des Schuljahres werden Schüler der Klassen 9 und 10 im Rahmen des Informatikprojektes diese Seite gestalten und mit Inhalten füllen.
Welcome to the website of the English Department!
Here you will soon find all the important information about English at our school. You are cordially invited to inform yourself about our lessons and to gain a comprehensive insight into our pedagogical approaches and activities. In the course of the school year, pupils of classes 9 and 10 will design this page and fill it with content as part of the computer science project.
On the homepage of our Oberschule Rauschwalde you can get an overview of what is happening at our school. On our homepage you will find everything you need to know about our school: Information about our teachers, courses, events, sports and cultural activities and much more. We strive to provide you with regular updates about our school and what is happening at our school. We hope that you will find many interesting and useful things on our homepage. Thank you for your interest in our school. Our school is a place of learning, teaching and growing. We pride ourselves on providing a comprehensive, warm and enthusiastic education to a diverse student body. We offer a wide range of extra-curricular activities, from school trips to sports and subject competitions to project weeks.